cheering people on to love God's Word


Sharon Thomas has had a heart for Christ throughout her life and grew up as a vibrant young girl loving God and His church. Nevertheless, after graduating from college, and becoming a pastor’s wife, she found life grew difficult. There were many unanswered questions and pain and grief surfaced.
At 29 years old, while she struggled to make life “work”, God stepped in and answered her prayer, to give her a hunger for His Word. Her life has never been the same!
Soon after, God clearly placed a call for ministry on Sharon’s life. Through years of study, prayer, and experience, God was faithful in preparing her, and on her 40th birthday, He birthed Established Footsteps, which is based on Psalm 119:133, “Establish my footsteps in Your Word, let no sin have power over me.”
Sharon has a passion for cheering women on to love God’s Word and showing them how to establish their daily steps in it. Since Established Footsteps began in 2006, she has simply poured out upon women from the overflow of what God is doing in her own life through His Word... writing Bible Studies, sharing live and online Bible teaching, rallying Bible memorization projects, producing Bible Study events and conferences, hosting Paint the Word events, developing Scripture Copying Plans and more. It is the joy of Sharon's heart to walk with women in the Truth of God's Word and to create resources to help them do just that!
Sharon and her husband Marvin have been married for 33 years and both serve in Established Footsteps. They have two adult children who are rich blessings from the Lord!

You can still utilize
'Me and my bible'
How would you describe your relationship
with your Bible?
In 2020 this study helped many build a stronger relationship with God's Word than they had ever experienced before!
Although a subscription and the Facebook group will no longer be available past 2020, you can still use the many resources provided for the study for your own personal time in your Bible.
See the video and resources below to find out more.
And contact us if you have questions.
Experience the blessing of salvation as you prepare your heart for Easter this year...
Experience Communion is a 2 month experience with personal private communion designed to encourage you as you prepare your heart to celebrate Easter.
Through a brief daily blog, we will encourage you in your practice of communion by sharing meditation on Scriptures about Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.
Please note, a subscription is no longer needed as all of the resources for this experience are now developed and available right here on this page,
so please disregard references to subscribing in the videos.
Let us know if you have questions!
We pray you will be blessed as you journey through this experience.

Learn more

Soul Pilates was the 2019 Bible Focus of
Established Footsteps Ministry,
but it is still alive and active as a resource for your use!
Click below to find all the information you need, including access to all of the Scripture Workouts and Videos.
Reach out if you have questions...
Blessings as you work out your soul in God's Word!

Scripture Copying is a great way to MEDITATE on God's Word.
Anyone can do it, new believers, mature believers, even children!
Copying God's Word helps us slow down, take in every word...
and really hear what God is saying.
We like to say, "It's a great way to start a conversation with God!"
In 2018 we are developing a series of Scripture Copying Plans called "Words of Life" and we invite you to join us for each one.
All you need is a willing heart, your Bible, some paper (we recommend getting a notebook) and a pen.

Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, is all about the value of God's Word!
Our Women's Ministry is taking several years to work our way through each verse. Currently we are on a break, but we will pick back up when God leads us to do so.
Posts 1-33, covering verses 1-88, are available to view at anytime via
Face Book Live on our ministry page.