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We believe in the power of memorizing Scripture! 
The Old Testament speaks of the value of hiding God's Word in our hearts.
In the New Testament, we find out how important it is to have a renewed mind,
so we can move throughout our days with the mind of Christ. 

Because this is true, since the beginning days of Established Footsteps,
we have encouraged the delight of memorizing Scripture.
Over the years we have built a storehouse of what we like to call 'Memorization Projects'
and and we make them freely available to any who are willing to use them.

You will find our available projects as you scroll below.
You will find they are set up in a variety of  formats and that
you can participate individually, or use them for a group.
You will also find some memorization tips to help you
as you strengthen your memorization muscles.  Just click on the button beside my name.

Memorizing Scripture is a spiritual delight that takes commitment, repetition, and discipline, but the yield of blessing is worth it.
Blessings as you memorize!


Sharon Thomas

Memorize Romans 12! 

Originally designed as 12 verses for 12 weeks for 12 people,

this memorization project can be done as a group or as an individual. 

Simply use the pacing guide and the devotions below.

Memorize Philippians 3:7-21!  

Originally designed for back to school time, this memorization project can

really be used at any time of the year by groups or individuals.

We have provided a pacing guide and the devotions for you.

Memorize with me is a pathway of memorization from Christmas to Easter. Follow the Pacing Provided and This 15 week plan will guide individuals or groups into memorizing scriptures from the birth of Christ to His Crucifixion and Resurrection.


To plan your start date, simply count back 15 weeks from Easter, which should place your start time somewhere within the last two weeks of December. 


Devotions are provided for each week by clicking on the Buttons you see here.

A Year of Psalms is

Divided into 4 Phases... 

Phase 1 - Psalm 143:1-13

Phase 2 - Psalm 100:1-5 and Psalm 101:1-8

Phase 3 - Psalm 56:1-13

Phase 4 - Psalm 27:1-14


That is your pacing guide, 52 verses, one for each week of the year... simply giving God your heart and mind every week so that He can fill it with His Truth! Ideally you will add on a verse each week so that you are memorizing chapters as a whole.


This project can be done by individuals or as a group. 

Devotions are also provided at the accompanying links.

Phase 1 Devotions

Phase 2 Devotions

Phase 3 Devotions

Phase 4 Devotions

Who Am I?


Who Am I? is a year long-one verse per week-memorization project that will hide Truth in our hearts about who we are in Christ. Originally created for our ministry in 2012, this project holds eternal Truths that continue year after year.


See... the world is constantly designing our identity with wrong information and lies from the enemy... but there is Truth in God's Word about who God says we are, and every believer needs to be built up in this Truth!

Want to know who God says you are? Want to plant His identity in your mind and heart? Then step into the experience of Who Am I and allow the

Holy Spirit to do a great work in your life!


This project is divided into four quarters

Each quarter contains:

A Pacing Guide

Printed Memorization Cards

Audio Devotions for each verse 

Pacing Guides

Memorization Cards

Audio Devotion Links

Established Footsteps Ministry

PO Box 15575 

Newport News, VA 23608

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