Bible Study Tools

Bible Study 101 was originally taught to Sharon in Bible Study Fellowship under the title of "Homiletics." With BSF permission, Sharon tweaked the tool and renamed it Bible Study 101. It is a core foundation piece in several of our studies, but can be used with any passage in Scripture to help gain clarity of the text and inspiration. It takes time and discipline, but it is so worth it.

Bible Study 202 was developed in follow up to Bible Study 101 and is helpful for specifically digging deeper into a smaller section of a passage that you may have already studied using Bible Study 101. As you use it, you will surely find some gems of Truth and encouragement for your own spiritual growth.

Bible Study 303 is a tool you can use to specifically study a specific Bible character. Specific questions will guide you to consider various parts of his/her story and also seek God so he can use his/her life story to impact your own.